Red Risk Level


You are considered HIGH RISK. According to one study1 median High Risk survival for MF patients is estimated to be 16 months. Other prognostic scales2 using additional risk factors, estimate shorter survival times for higher levels of risk.

It is now urgent that you consult with your hematologist and transplant specialist and make preparations for a stem cell transplant if possible.  Unless there are compelling reasons to choose another course, most patients will now be expected to rapidly move to transplant.

Because of the great differences among patients, survival figures are only approximate. A patient’s condition, genetic predisposition, and co-morbidities are just some of the factors that play a role in longevity. It is important to review your Risk Level with your hematologist both for accuracy and for inclusion of additional factors that might impact your therapeutic options.  Some of those factors are fibrosis grade, swollen spleen, transfusion dependence, high risk mutations, and defective chromosomes

What is known for certain is that qualified patients who start stem cell transplant in good condition and early enough in the MF disease process have far better outcomes than patients who wait until the onset of end-stage symptoms.3

See Notes on MPN mutations for details on your individual mutations

  1. Passamonti, Blood, 2010 115:1703-1708
  2. Gangat et al., J Clin Oncol. 2011, February
  3. Scott, et al.,  Blood, 2012 Mar 15; 119 (110): 2657-2664)